I spend a huge part of my life listening to music, over many different platforms. Firstly, I listen to music when travelling to and from school either from my ITunes library or sound cloud music sharing app. When at home I spend a lot of time watching live concerts and DJ sets on YouTube. I also listen to music when Dj'ing this music once again can come from my ITunes library however I also use the platform Spotify when using this. As you can see my areas for consuming music is extremely wide and varied and takes up a huge amount of time.
Below are some more ways people that people I know of consume music, as you can see there are far more than just the few platforms that I consume music on out there. The musical consumption spectrum is very wide and there are many ways to access music in the modern world.
Below are some more ways people that people I know of consume music, as you can see there are far more than just the few platforms that I consume music on out there. The musical consumption spectrum is very wide and there are many ways to access music in the modern world.