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Single Cover Design

After studying some of the previous album and single covers from some of the bands we looked to for inspiration, I came up with some initial album cover ideas. We wanted the pictures of the band to be the focal point of the cover but also wanted the cover to be a monochrome design, which is a theme which we have decided we want to be apparent throughout all of our constructions. To start with I began using images from our recent first photo shoot, coupled with the software Adobe Photoshop and set about trying to turn them into a potential cover. I came up with a design for the cover of our single 'Call me Ishmael'. As you can see below it fits the criteria that we as a group wanted, its monochrome, bold and has us the artists as a focal point for the cover. The effects I used, such as the invert tool as well as changing the contrast and black and white settings, in Photoshop allowed me to create this overall bold and crisp image you see below. I believe that this would help to sell the single as it looks professional which helps it to stand out from other album covers.