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Track Pitch presentation

Album Cover Research

This is a collage of all similar album covers to Disclosure, they are all the same genre of music

Single Cover Design

After studying some of the previous album and single covers from some of the bands we looked to for inspiration, I came up with some initial album cover ideas. We wanted the pictures of the band to be the focal point of the cover but also wanted the cover to be a monochrome design, which is a theme which we have decided we want to be apparent throughout all of our constructions. To start with I began using images from our recent first photo shoot, coupled with the software Adobe Photoshop and set about trying to turn them into a potential cover. I came up with a design for the cover of our single 'Call me Ishmael'. As you can see below it fits the criteria that we as a group wanted, its monochrome, bold and has us the artists as a focal point for the cover. The effects I used, such as the invert tool as well as changing the contrast and black and white settings, in Photoshop allowed me to create this overall bold and crisp image you see below. I believe that this would help to sell the single as it looks professional which helps it to stand out from other album covers.


Lip Sync Task

Today we were set a lip syncing task which involved us having a go at singing along to our track. This task gave us a taster of having a go at the editing skills we will be required to use when editing our final video.
Here is the end product of our experiment:

Encoded artist influences

As a band we have come up with some other artist and bands that we want to influence us as group right across the media spectrum, from there style to there actual music, we feel we can use these artists as almost guidance if we need some inspiration for part of the process of setting up as a band. These are all successful established artists who have worked there way up from the bottom as a new artists, to festival headline and main stage slots.

The Vaccines
The Vaccines are a hugely successful British indie band who we look up to. They are on there second album so still relative beginners in the world of music, they are a group much closer to ourselves but someone we can still look up to.

The Arctic Monkeys
Possibly the most successful and popular British rock band on the scene at the moment. From number one albums to multiple Glastonbury headline slots they've achieved it all and are certainly a group we can look up to.

The Killers
Finally we have the Killers who are one of the worlds most famous and successful bands and rock artists. The Las Vegas based 4 piece are a group we would like to take musical inspiration from more than style and other aspects of media.

Cross Media Evaluation

Group Timetable

Today we created a group availability timetable which lays out at what times during the week members of the group are available to carry out tasks. This will help us in future when planning shoot times. The table also includes contact numbers of each member making it easy for us to get hold of in any situation.

Phone Number
Monday: 10-12:25
Tuesday: 9-10/11-12:25
Wednesday: 12:30-5
Thursday: 9-11:25
Friday: 10-11:25/1:30-5
Weekends: Varies
Monday: 9-10/11:25-12:25
Tuesday: 9-10/1:30-5
Wednesday: 10-11:25/1:30-5
Thursday: 10-12:25
Monday: 10-12:25
Tuesday: 9-10/11-12:25
Wednesday: 12:30-5
Thursday: 9-11:25
Friday: 10-11:25/1:30-5
Weekends: Varies

Initial song ideas for music video

To begin with we found it quite difficult to come up with any substantial ideas for a final music video, but after referring back to some earlier student videos and pairing them with some tracks that we liked, the creative juices started to flows.
  What we had to take into consideration, was that the chosen song could not be too popular, this was what we came up with....

Green day- Are we the waiting
This song was chosen as the song has no video but is a well put together song that we could have strongly linked a narrative to the song. The problem we had with this song was firstly it was two song mixed together for the original album. The reason this was a problem is because the two songs sound slightly different and therefore would require two different narratives or perspectives for one video. This would be putting a lot of work into narrative and because of this it would have affected the overall quality of the video as a whole. As well as this the song is from Green Days American Idiot album which is a story in itself and an extremely popular and well known album. This was a problem because we would be re telling a story in our own way and this would have made the video lose authenticity.

Imagine Dragon- Radio Active (Feat Kendrick Lamar)
We chose this song as the original track is one that you could include good narrative but the video as a whole would have had an interesting twist at the part when Kendrick Lamar started rapping on top of the original track. The problem with doing this song is that the Kendrick Lamar rap is so quick and there would be so many lyrics to learn in such a little amount of time and even if we did learn the lyrics the lip syncing would be a struggle to do.


Today we were put into the groups in which we were going to construct a new band a start them off on there careers as artists. I was paired with two guys Max and Richard who I have not worked with before so it was going to be a new fresh experience for all of us. We decided upon a band name initially ENCODED which we all agreed was quite a cool, punchy, easy to remember name which would be good for a new up and coming band which people had not heard of before. We were all very excited about the up and coming project and went about planning some potential music video ideas.